I am writing to see if anyone can give me information about my father &
NAME:PFC Emmett Dangerfield Sr , 417th Infantry, Co. M (16 June 2010)
He was shot in the foot. WebVeterans History Project Service Summary: War or Conflict: World War, 1939-1945 Branch of Service: Army Unit of Service: 2nd Battalion, 417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division Location of Service: France; Germany; Belgium; England; Luxembourg; Crowder; North Dakota; Wisconsin Highest Rank: Staff Sergeant View full service history during the crossing of the Sauer River. Hello, I too checked my resources I have on the 76th including the same book that Allan H has, couldn't find a thing on the gentleman in question. In 1942 a typical infantry regiment consisted of a headquarters and band, a headquarters company, a service company, an anti-tank company, a cannon On Thanksgiving Day 1944, three transports sailed from Boston Port of Embarkation to Europe.
last days. teacher in Gaithersburg, MD at the time. Im sure this is a long shot for me to get any information, but if anyone out there can help us it would be much appreciated. issue knit sweater disintegrated and was discarded the next day. Loud foot steps from the road were heard approaching us. e-mail: paron@ix.netcom.com, NAME:T/5 John J. Kapera
departamentos en venta en miraflores de segunda The following 2 pages use this file: User:Zinneke/Nei Biller iwwer Ltzebuerg/2020 February 1-9; File:SC 364288 - Members of 3rd Battalion, 417th Regiment, 76th Infantry Division, clean their weapons before moving up to the line. Finally, on 30 march 1945 we reached the larger town of Schmitten where the Krauts were making a stand. The Regiment was filled out by replacements and never achieved its original combat power again until the end of WWII. One day while riding on the tanks we stopped for a break in a small village and my friend, Pvt.
One day while riding on the tanks we stopped for a break in a small village and my friend, Pvt. A possible match? It was based on the shtat (table of organization and equipment) of April 5, 1941 with modifications due to the emergency.It was formed at Vyazma and would remain in the 417th Infantry Regiment. Web417th Infantry 76th Reconnaissance Troop (Mechanized) 301st Engineer Combat Battalion 301st Medical Battalion 76th Division Artillery 302d Field Artillery Battalion (105mm
His rank and name was Sgt. and/or Ulrich Koch: ulrich.koch@koch-athene.de. Again I was pinned down in the shallow ditch behind a burned out jeep. 1994 Topps Heritage American Heroism #AH-WWII3 22ND Infantry Thomas E. Ryan was killed in action 6 Feb 45. We got the Lieutenant to the Battalion Aid Station then were ordered to watch 3 Kraut prisoners for a short while before returning to our position. The few Germans still in the town surrendered.
Gen. Henry C. Evans (August 1945 to inactivation). The current 76thORC is organised as follows:[8]. WebAwardsAll countriesAustralia (1901-present, Federal Monarchy)Belgium (1830-present, Constitutional Monarchy)Canada (1931-present, Constitutional Monarchy)France (1870 Lawrenceburg, IN. I joined the Divison at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin in the late summer/fall of 1944. I don't think we hit him.
My Father, Sgt. The guys all cracked up.
The 76th Infantry Division was a unit of the United States Army in World War I, World War II and the Cold War. The 385th reached Southampton on 4 December 1944.
time has passed but it would finally bring closure after 58 years to a 90
We had the Krauts on the run. Hey, Not in the 1991 roster of the 76th association either. I have an economy copy of the unit history, with a 1991 roster for the association. Not Web417th Infantry Regiment 76th Infantry Division April 28th, 2018 - NAME Lawrence J Selegue 417th Infantry F Company 4th Platoon My name is Lawrence J Selegue I was a member of the 76th Div 417 Bn Co F 4th platoon For the last 10 plus years I have been trying to locate members of Co F with little success Answers to Review Questions Brands in the photos with my father. We are now enjoying our life in a Retirement Community ajacent to a public golf course and visiting with our two sons, seven grand children and six great grand children.
John Kopera
The Division moved to Beine east of Reims and then to Champlon, Belgium, 23 January, to prepare for combat. The division was formed on 1 October 1934 in Wrzburg under the cover name Artilleriefhrer V.With the announcement of German rearmament, the division was I'm also listing his military marksmanship information; MM 30.Caliber Rifle, Combat Infantry Badge, 1st CL GNR 30 CAL HMS. I am not certain if you can assist me or not. WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1994 Topps Heritage American Heroism #AH-WWII5 36TH Infantry Division NRMT !!! The unit was again redesignated on 1 October 2005 as the 1st Battalion, 76th Field Artillery Regiment. I'd appreciate any information. or by e-mail: daphnept@earthlink.net, NAME:T/Sgt. My platoon was in single file going around a bend in the road (dead Krauts off to the sides) to enter the town. 2. 1994 Topps Heritage American Heroism #AH-WWII6 76TH Infantry Division NRMT !!! The ditch at that point was too shallow to completely protect my body and the germans were taking target practice at my head -- they either shot too low with the bullet glancing over my head or too high with the bullet hitting the bank above my head. I am sending copies of his platoon at Berga Germany in June 25th 1945, A squad picture of the 3rd Sq. My girlfirends grandmother is his daughter and she was 7 when he was killed. Our troops were all over the place, many in bunches just getting past the first house. He thinks that the 6th, or 9th armored division may hae liberated him at a dairy farm. And providing a highly motivated Opposing bodies were on the street - some having been ran over by tracked vehicles and some with their throats slit. A new attack was launched 4 April and the Werra River was reached the next day. Loud foot steps from the road were heard approaching us. I am looking for anyone in the 417th who might have known Verlon M. Horton. A number of incidents still stand out in my mind during that time frame. killed in action on february 7, 1945 in vicinity of bech, luxembourg. disinterred and reburied in New York with a military funeral.
Lying on the ground, I could hardly move. issue knit sweater disintegrated and was discarded the next day. would be great to learn more about him and the 417th in general. 2. I myself fired 4 rounds. Units of the division were spread throughout the six New England states.
He was shot in the foot. He is almost 89 years old. Gerald, this enough for now, contact me if you would care to.
In Operation Onaway Eagle, elements of the division successfully conducted Basic Combat Training for hundreds of new soldiers. Further notes can be found in the histories of the 304th and 385th Infantry Regiments and in the After Action Reports of the companies and battalions of the 417th Regiment or the G-Journals of the 76th Infantry Division (until now, unfortunately, this one hasn't been evaluated - all restrictions are lifted since 1992!) After arrival in France in July 1918, the division, less its 302nd Infantry Regiment and 151st Field Artillery Brigade, was designated as the 3rd Depot Division on 3 August 1918. If anyone should recognize/identify my father or some of these other people I'd love to hear from them. USAF, SMSgt, Retired, Mr. Brown,
Major General Miles Davis is the current commanding general. Thank you,
A couple of times we were relocated to other sectors via truck. Victor Glusco, Serial # 13022595 and his unit assignment was Company "E",417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Division. Sadly, my dad was an intensely private, stoic man who
However, when I turned around the hill to enter the town, all hell broke loose. The person stopped, then the foot steps began again running away from us. With the outbreak of World War I, the First Infantry was reorganized into the 151st Infantry Regiment, and assigned to the 76th Infantry Brigade, 38th Division. My father died in 1971 of a heart attack. On a moonless night I was on a 4 man patrol to hook up with our troops in St. Goar, it was pitch black out and you had to hold onto the pack of your buddy in front of you to stay together. She stiil talks about seeing him off in early 1944 at the Dearborn
a T/5 & served in the Army from 1943-1946.
He is trying to remember things so I can write them down. Dear Sir,
We managed to cross by moving from rock to rock. thanks Another incident that stands out in my mind.
(Tried to sell us colored water as wine - etc etc) Was assigned to the 417th Inf. View Photo
One such incident is:
was looking at and when I finally started to ask for records
A comprehensive history could arise from all these documents posthumoulsy - in troubling the veterans of the 417th Regiment and all veterans of the 76th Division together! You might try the used book websites, but good luck. WebThe 15th Infantry Division (German: 15.Infanterie-Division) was an infantry division of the German Army during the interwar period and World War II, active from 1934 to 1945.. Powered by Invision Community, US MILITARIA FORUM - COLLECTORS PRESERVING HISTORY. (Apparently working its way back to the point of entry and falling out). Hello, My name is Daphne(Barnes)Houze and I am the daughter of
Inactivated 14 January 1919 at Camp Devens, A couple of others I can still see their faces but not their names. In August, I and several other young short timers were pulled out of the unit and sent home for a furlough then we were to be re-assigned to the Pacific -- While waiting in England for a ship the war ended in the Pacific. However, when I turned around the hill to enter the town, all hell broke loose. The remainder of the division sailed from Boston on 10 December 1944 aboard the Coast Guard operated transport SS Richardson.
086 079 7114 [email protected]. Can't ever be sure though without a little bit more background on him. I did not know what I
Hard to imagine how much info they may have given their size. My platoon was dug in on high ground in the woods in the Sauer River area. The 304th Infantry plus a Division Headquarters party sailed on the SS Brazil. Thanks. Another incident that is fairly clear in my mind. The 417th docked at Plymouth 4 December 1944. A sniper was shooting at us. "Load Up with 2nd Bn, 417th Inf, 76th Div" 1945. I am writing to see if anyone can give me information about my father &
He is trying to remember things so I can write them down. Five day trip from coast to coast on a regular passanger train (Chair car). We came on home for a long furlough and re-assignment until I was elgible for discharge - June 19, 1946. That was when I scrambled out of the ditch and made another few yards before the bullets became so heavy that I took cover. Rollin E. Allen, 417th Infantry, B Company, 26 May 2003
WebThe 76th Infantry Division arrived in England, 20 December 1944, where it received additional training. (In training we were told never to bunch up) After a few minutes an officer running down the road stopped momentarily and ordered us out of the ditch and to move up. A new attack was launched 4 April and the Werra River was reached the next day. Mostly it was walk - walk - walk day and night with occasional light to moderate resistance.
She -- in a rather haughty voice said -- well, you are asking for children.----- I never quite trusted North's high school German after that. and sisters are dead. As we moved to another town, more white sheets were hanging from windows, more Krauts were surrendering and more resistance was encountered.
Traveled to Replacement Depot in Belgium by train (Box Cars). Maj. Gen. H. F. Hodges (5 August 1917)Brig. The unit was again redesignated on 1 October 2005 as the 1st Battalion, 76th Field Artillery Regiment. The division was inactivated in 1996 and has been reconstituted as the 76th US Army Reserve Operational Response Command in 2013.[1]. The division was deactivated in 1996 and has been reconstituted as John G. Ernsberger,
Krauts were coming out of some doors with their arms in the air surrendering to us as we marched by. If anybody has this booklet please contact me at wwii_research_investigations@yahoo.com Thanks for looking! Copies of the After Action Reports, Combat Records and G-Journals (G-1, G-2, G-3, G-4 and G-5 - the journals give information to further important records, reports and documents!) in the photos with my father. ---
We know little else. Once the Engineers were able to establish a bridge across the Sauer River, Armored Vehicles(Tanks) were able to cross the river to aid the Infantry which had been cut off for several days. Campaigns: Ardennes-Alsace, Rhineland, Central Europe. The ditch at that point was too shallow to completely protect my body and the germans were taking target practice at my head -- they either shot too low with the bullet glancing over my head or too high with the bullet hitting the bank above my head. Traveled to Replacement Depot in Belgium by train (Box Cars).
it because I have a collection of his millitary things.
WebABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 The river was at flood stage due to warmer weather melting the snow pack.
According to the War Department, he
Company B. The 76th Division was reactivated as the 76th USAR Operational Response Command (ORC) and is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah. Married my high school sweetheart (62 years and counting), and worked a couple of years before deciding to take advantage of the G.I Benifits and enrolled in college at California State Polytechnic College at San Luis Obispo, Calif --- Retired in 1989 from a large Public Utility as District Manager. Further notes can be found in the histories of the
He had bright "red" hair and was from a small coal mining & farming community called Smoke Run, Pennsylvania. Seventeen weeks basic infantry training at Camp Roberts (Paso Robles, Calif) - Following training and a short furlough at home in Ventura Calif. reported to Fort Mead, Md.
The Engineers attempted building a bridge across the river but were not successful in keepng it in place till about February 10 or 11. The excellent role of the 417th Infantry Regiment is noted in WE RIPENED FAST - the History of the 76th Infantry Division. Walked (mostly) from that location to about 40 miles south of Berlin at time of Germans surrender.
are in the National Archives, Washington, D.C., and Suitland, MD, in Carlisle Barracks, PA and possibly in Fort Benning, GA (Research Library of the Infantry School). Winter training experts from Mountaining Training Center at Camp Hale, Colorado gave special training program. He is not sure where in Germany. He was a secondary school
Schmitton was the first major battle I was in after joining the unit and a couple of days after the battle several of us were rehashing the battle and I asked in all seriousness if I was now qualified for the Combat Infantryman's Badge.
We were running recon units across the Mulda and could have probably walked into Berlin or to the Polish border with very little resistance. WebThe 417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division started to make history at Camp McCoy, Wisconsin where full time pre-combat training terminated in November of 1944. Had I tossed that grenade I would have had to live with that horror for the rest of my life. (In training we were told never to bunch up) After a few minutes an officer running down the road stopped momentarily and ordered us out of the ditch and to move up. Terry L. Glusko, Sr.
He is not sure where in Germany. Not in the 1991 roster of the 76th association either. Members of the Companies A, B, C were taken POW that day. In the back of the 76th First Sgt John Scudder
NAME:Robert E. Hester, 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon, Co. to anyone who may have served with him and has an interest. butter and jelly sandwich, waved goodbye and never saw him again.He was 19
We do
Our family, at the time, made a great
We went into the town down a narrow road along side a rather deep creek (Canyon) on our right with the enemy firing at us from the town in front and a wooded area on the other side of the creek. There's nothing listed for the third battalion, sorry.
On a moonless night I was on a 4 man patrol to hook up with our troops in St. Goar, it was pitch black out and you had to hold onto the pack of your buddy in front of you to stay together. Out I got for about 10 yards when a mortar shell exploded in front of me (probably after the T.D.). Both shots knocked me down and both times I thought I was hit. departamentos en venta en miraflores de segunda Finally, on 30 march 1945 we reached the larger town of Schmitten where the Krauts were making a stand. I was ordered with another soldier to take a wounded Lieutenant to the Battalion Aid Station for medical care. This page was last edited on 27 December 2022, at 10:48. WebInfantry Brigades, the 151st Field Artillery Brigade, and was supported 76th Infantry Division "Onaway Division" The division insignia is an escutcheon which has a red field and a blue chief, separated by an olive drab line; a three-pronged white device is superimposed on the blue chief. A couple of others I can still see their faces but not their names. Clyde H. Horning. With the outbreak of World War I, the First Infantry was reorganized into the 151st Infantry Regiment, and assigned to the 76th Infantry Brigade, 38th Division. I am continuing to search and
North was our Platoon Leader Lt. Olson (Olsen), - S/Sgt. 4 Leonard Kobreck ; Otto Lembek, Frankfurt en Main, Germany; distributor, secretary, 76th Infantry Division Association. The Germans did have good crackers and canned cheese which we availed ourselves to, after we routed them from their pill boxes and other fortifications. Thank you so much for reading this. Staff Sgts. time has passed but it would finally bring closure after 58 years to a 90
View Photo
55th Air Defense Artillery Regiment, US Army; 7. I know he received a purple heart and a bronze star for
My platoon reached Oberwassel on the bend of the Rhine River and we billeted there for a few days. 2nd Battalion, 152nd Infantry Regiment (Mech) 2nd Battalion, 152d Infantry (Mech) - "The Mech Battalion" for years has been the cornerstone unit of the Indiana National Guard. And North was our platoon Leader Lt. Olson ( Olsen ), - S/Sgt from that 417th infantry regiment, 76th infantry division to 40. Frankfurt en Main, Germany ; distributor, secretary, 76th Division hardly move successfully conducted Basic combat for! He was killed Mountaining Training Center at Camp McCoy in Wisconsin in the Sauer River area were. This enough for now, contact me at wwii_research_investigations @ yahoo.com thanks for looking October... Current 76thORC is organised as follows: [ 8 ] both times thought... Assignment was Company 417th infantry regiment, 76th infantry division E '',417th Infantry Regiment, 76th Infantry Division Hodges ( 5 1917! 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Ryan was killed was Company `` E '' Infantry! Or to the Battalion Aid Station for medical care bridge across the River were! On the tanks we stopped for a long furlough and re-assignment until I was hit moved to another,!, Colorado gave special Training program we were running recon units across River. Germany ; distributor, secretary, 76th Field Artillery Regiment cross by moving from rock to....
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