I have done a quick edit to my original post to hopefully avoid future confusion. #4: Meditation Inner Vision Ajna. Seasonal foods are okay, but the keyword here is habitual. Choosing the same meals from the same restaurants is good for you. Nervous Touch eat only when the environment, inner and outer, are busy like family bustle. Active means be/live in an actual higher elevation (high-rise, second story house). You know what you like and most certainly you shouldnt change your preferences. From here, the focus is on the information listed under Body (Design). Follow Living Life in Between on WordPress.com, Light Code Oracle Video Reading Demonstration, Light Code Oracle Reading for the Week of March 25th, Light Code Oracle Draw for the Week of 2/25/2018, A Selection of True Awakening Experiences Part II, How Corona Virus Saved My Life: Mental Health Podcast. Feb 22, 2021 - Explore Erica Midkiff's board "HD | Determination (Digestion)", followed by 464 people on Pinterest. So happy to have helped you. If uncertain, touch it. Warm, but direct. They take in information via their third-eye (intuition). The arrows are the most impactful to explore once youve been digging into human design for a while. What does it mean: get out of your own way? Calm people need calm to digest. The styles by Human Design are these: Hot - Thirst - eat all food and beverages at body temperature or warmer Cold - Thirst - eat and drink cold food Low - sound - only eat in low sound environment Noise prevents you from developing an appetite High - sound - only eat when the environment is noisy, TV, family, restaurant, or music on the ears. They need to touch the world. Cooking the same 5 meals you have always cooked is what is good for you. Validating to all those nights having dinner in front of the TV as a kid. I have this too. The four transformations are the 4 steps and phases of your life, to decondition and step into your best health and intuition. ALTERNATING. The simpler the meal or drink, the better or more energized youll feel. Shores Natural or Artificial. I enjoy being smack dab in the middle of chaos. We all know that. Your plate should be very simple with one or two ingredients maximum (only potatoes or rise with tomatoes on the side). She is 80, lives alone, and her only complaint is wicked seasonal allergies. The second most ancient eating style, from digestions point of view is the style called consecutive I have three clients like that: all got well when they started to eat one thing at a time, but they can eat 10 minutes later something else. Diseases, accidents, toxins and the natural aging process can . 14K views 1 year ago Human Design It's time! Having a late big dinner would be good for you because you will digest the food while sleeping. I have been testing for, I dont know, ten years? Choosing to read a book means I am invested in that topic or author and most of the fluff that we can find in the ongoing social content is removed. Choose an option Consecutive Appetite Alternating Appetite Open Taste Closed Taste Hot Food Cold Food Calm Buzzing Nervous Touch Sounds and Music High Sound Peace and Quiet Low Sound Daytime Eating Direct Light Evening Eating Indirect Light Clear. I love living in New York City. Tears of magic, of joy, of relieve, of gratefulness. When you put the food in your mouth your receptors should be able to identify what is the exact ingredient your body will be digesting. But, in particular, what interested me the most was the four transformations the four little arrows on either side by the head pointing right or left. Your nervous system is your body's command center. 1.7K Followers. and begin experimenting if it feels aligned for you. Food Determination And Human Design Youtube So as I am sure you know by now there are 12 primary digestion types in human design.. Super green powders and other supplements with many ingredients are showing not to be beneficial. The FOURTH type, NERVOUS TOUCH, like it's "active" counterpart, is heavily influenced by the environment in which digestion takes place. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. These people go on how something feels to them. With regards to your health, what you eat is important. Your Uniqueness The Human Design System describes the mechanic of your precious and smart body In that regard she is like me. If the arrow is facing right, you may find you dont require as much consistency around when you eat. I just bought and watched two videos on how to eat according to your type or the style of eating that seems to be crucial for a sense of well-being, especially for brain health. Ra explains the basics of the PHS (Primary Health System) and how Color determina. 2. Human Design is a system of human differentiation - it's a system that helps you uncover and understand what makes you unique and truly you. And let's not forget: the source of your badassery! 1st color lines are the oldest determination types and very seasonal. Play with it. A. It's a logical system that brings together principles of The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics. You also might not love recommendations from others because youre very selective and closed to others (because your intuition knows what you need) opinions. If you eat too many things at once your metabolism will get confused about what enzymes to send for the digestion. Super interesting. Too cold for those who are Hot and you will struggle to take in new information. During winter you can take UV health lamps that will help you feel better and have a faster metabolism. While my nutrition program is an ongoing search, I have noticed other spaces in my life that this has been very helpful and true. Every person has their own design based on the time they were born, and you can use your birth info to get your chart and help you uncover a deeper understanding of yourself for more fulfillment in your unique life. Surfing the waves of change with a radically buoyant spirit. Some people are very calm themselves, and prefer to eat their meals calmly as well. Be open to seasonal foods and try new things only when they feel right. I have known my own style of eating for a while, and it has made a big difference. And if you feel ready to dive deep into all things human design, you can learn more about the variables and all things human design in our course. Human Design suggests that your mind is like a CPU in your computer. And this is just the beginning! While I continue to play and tweak my nutrition, I have fully embraced this concept in the other areas of my life. I love books far more than any other learning tool. The message of Human Design is: love yourself. one ingredient dishes separated by time That is the not-self way the homogenized path to a body that doesnt. Empathy is your super power. 6th color lines are about the environment and the quality of the light in it. Coaching and mentorship may be more your jam. Its not uncommon to receive a text from me (after maybe not chatting for months) that is a one liner and straight to the point. ), you can look up your digestion profile here: https://www.myhumandesign.com/get-your-chart/. Do not rely on outer vision/physical eyes but trust their inner eyes. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I just did the whole testing work for a woman from my Over 60 exercise class. So, I deleted my account and the magnitude in which feelings of anxiety lowered was astounding. This may look like eating lighter meals during the day and eating their biggest meals at night. How vital this information was and no one was talking about it! Considering our strongest sense when it . Pay attention to the foods you instinctively reach for, Take your favorite foods with you when you travel. If we can be ready for the hard days and not avoid or fear them, then we can move forward with more compassion and understanding for the world and those around us, as well as have a greater sense of ourselves. It really is my bodys need for that purity. My weight also fluctuated throughout my college years, so when I started working out, nutrition followed suit. Same with all the vegetables. Of Covid-19 affecting the central nervous system, to the method in which you digest. Thanks again for helping me spot inconsistencies in my posts! The meals you already know you like will create a familiar sensation in your mouth and belly and you will be already sending the correct enzymes to digest the food. As I continue to explore Human Design connections, some important information is arising, information that I feel is relevant to my life path. Those with Cold may find their system more easily takes in food when they consume cool food that is below body temperature, e.g., salads, raw food, smoothies or food directly out of the fridge. strawberry rhubarb scones with heart opening rose cream, Outing Your Shadow: Caring What People Think and Unconditional Love, Perfect Beef Chuck Blade Roast with Golden Beets and Carrots. Change). Some people function best if they eat the same meal every day. Simple. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Distaste: the orienting feeling that you want to know, Low sound only eat in low sound environment Noise prevents you from developing an appetite. Some people are designed to eat in the calm and quiet, others are meant to eat the same thing every day, and these all matter. Required fields are marked *. This may look like eating lighter meals during the day and eating their biggest meals at night. one ingredient dishes separated by time, Consecutive Appetite my clients diet above, Direct light should eat only during the day. This is the part of HD that has long fascinated me because it directs an individual toward their proper environment. If you go back to my chart and those two 4s, you can see that my tone/color #s correspond to those numbers. External needs to be in an active or busy space such as an office environment with open theme and lots going on. This means that the six different criteria have two options making up 12 human. Also, the ingredients that are spicier are also considered hot and they may fasten your metabolism as well, add them to your meals. The process is the same as with the Starting Point Measurements: I need a picture and I need your date of birth. Thank you, Dayna. And direct light to backlight an LCD display or legend and can be used as the means to illuminate a grid pattern on a see through window. Most people in the world eat stews, or meats with side dishes, or salads with a lot of ingredients, but a good 20% of the world, with the most ancient style DNA needs to eat like people ate when they didnt have dishes: one thing at a time. This is especially the case when food is nearby. Do you want a customized program that's personalized just to you? The subscription I get is $9.95 a month I think. I have known my own style of eating for a while, and it has made a big difference. Schedule your meals from early morning until the first dark hours of the day. My other favorite place to be alone is sitting at a crowded bar. Do it fast and dont spend too much time at the table. All about the amount of noise when digesting (food or info). And when we communicate through our strongest sense, others will be more likely to respond to us. What I see within is what I go with regardless of what the outer world view is. I stumbled upon JP by pure chance, he was recommended to me by a friend and I have to admit I knew little about Human Design. If you have the feeling in your mouth that it is not tasty it wont be healthy for you to eat it. Nervous people need action to digest with other people, with TV or radio, while talking/socializing, in public, or moving around (driving, walking, fidgeting). Humanity has a general openness to the penetration by the frequency field of the 5/1 profile. These are the touchy feely peeps. All the things that feel so hard to help us feel so good, The chance to deliver something to the world and maybe grab a little freedom while you're at it, A little about my crazy journey Parenting two Projectors, A reflection of how to embody our design type. Also by Rupert Sheldrake A New Science of Life (1981; new edition 2009) The Presence of the Past (1988; new edition 2011) The Rebirth of Nature (1990) Seven Experiments That Could Change the World (1994; new edition 2002) Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home (1999; new edition 2011) The Sense of Being Stared At (2003) with Ralph Abraham and Terence McKenna Chaos Creativity and . Low needs to eat less (or cram for that test!). The PHS Determination in Human Design is about how we take in nutrition from our food and people in the most optimal way. No soups, no stews, no side dishes. This may look like eating their heaviest meals when the sun is up and sticking to lighter foods once the sun is down. Today, I wanted to share a few notes on what the top left arrow says about digestion. If you eat outside choose places that are more crowded and with a lot of movement in them. Digestion Choose an option Consecutive Appetite Alternating Appetite Open Taste Closed Taste Hot Food Cold Food Calm Buzzing Nervous Touch Sounds and Music High Sound Peace and Quiet Low Sound Daytime Eating Direct Light Evening Eating Indirect Light. I hope you enjoy and find inspiration in my musings and lessons of applying Human Design in my own life. It lists the following on my chart: Brain: PassiveDeterminism: NervousCognition: Inner VisionEnvironment: Markets InternalEnvironmental Style Observed. Take it slow. Some describe it as having the touch of god! Turned out: I am really best when I eat one thing per meal with some elements added, like fat, salt, onions or garlic that seem to integrate with almost any food. I am definitely the person who also likes the cleanest and simplest when it comes to beauty, like skincare, and once I find what I like, Ill use it for a decade. Like a Neanderthal, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvcJ1_sMf4I. Calm Touch eat only when the environment, inner and outer, are calm, Alternating Appetite my diet. Its less about what you eat and more about when you eat. When I eat meat, I just eat meat. When I first moved to New York, my husband was working late so after work I would go to my thinking spot, the red staircase in Time Square, sit at the top, and read or journal. Just getting into Human Design and see that my digestion type is buzzing nervous touch. *My husband is Kitchens-Dry. Types of Determination/Digestion in Human Design. For me, its about the alchemy of food, cooking, and very much so includes intuitively eating and consuming information in flow with my needs. Distaste: the orienting feeling that you want to know, Low sound only eat in low sound environment Noise prevents you from developing an appetite. And she cant eat any fruits, not even lemons. You might loooove a food and exclusively eat that for a while then move on to something new. Its all great for the general practitioners of being: Your email address will not be published. You also may enjoy playing with more textures (crunch and creamy in the same bite, or pulp in your juice). 12 different eating, What is your optimal Eating Style? What does it mean: get out of your own way? . She was so happy. Yet, I couldnt ignore how taxed I felt after a ten minute scroll session on Facebook. Or a seasonal rendition of a classic cookie. myBodyGraph is your user manual. Can be an actual kitchen, too, but mainly somewhere things are prepared or created. She was so happy. Those flavors will create a cold feeling in your body. #2: Uncertainty Taste Splenic. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Even better, Human Design helps us learn how to treat our body, the vehicle we ride in through this life, in the correct way. Eat while you are on the go. It also appears you can view the Design chart without a subscription so it is now free. Bigbys crushing hand 5e. It's not a pretty sight, but it's an evolutionary mechanism to make sure the stomach of the cat produces exactly the right mixture in order to digest its prey. If you feel inspired, I encourage you to look yours up and begin experimenting if it feels aligned for you. Nervous - Touch - eat only when the environment, inner and outer, are busy like family bustle. To sit and eat is boring for me. So I took this information and began to apply it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with WordPress.com, Things that help me deal with postpartumdepression, https://www.myhumandesign.com/get-your-chart/. This was probably the most rewarding health session I have ever had. All free to use and 100 royalty free perfect for. I could cry accepting this, when so many others are over there enjoying their charcuterie boards. Similarly, when digesting information, you need to take in information little by little and one/or one subject/topic at a time; otherwise you could easily overwhelm yourself. When you look at your human design chart you will see four arrows at the top. Please check the post here in a bit to find it added. These people need to smell out what is correct or incorrect for them. Human design digestion buzzing nervous touch 27 apr posted at 07:46h in to entertain author's purpose examples by samsung touch screen fridge waupaca woods shopping mall likes Eating well is not only about what you eat but the conditions in which you eat. (LogOut/ These people digest their nutrients best if they eat one thing, and wait for at least an hour. My understanding of this type is that I would digest better when moving around like running earns or with a lot of stimuli around me. Same with all the vegetables. I paid $97 for my report 10 or so years ago. The test showed that she can eat any protein other than fish and milk products, as long she doesnt eat it twice within a week. The top, left arrow on your HD chart (which you can get at GeneticMatrix.com) is where you find the component of the PHS. ( Get your free chart here). Digestion is an interesting component of Human Design. Fasting may feel natural to you. Change). Its about what feels good to you naturally. Ideally be near water. So that is the difference. The Human Design Mandala. These specifically align with the PHS and what I am about to share with you. It uses data to determine your exact placement in time and space relative to the solar system and star fields around you at the precise moment of birth. When you have an 80 year old woman, you dont know what to expect. Hope this helps. The view that resembles your example though is labeled Foundation Design. Its healthy for their digestive system to be revved up. Feeling is linked to sound. *Markets-Internal is my environment and is accurate for me. I used to love doing homework in places with lots of noises as well. Digestion is how our cells best absorb nutrients. Bingz Huang. The Body chart often times indicates you are a different type than your Quantum chart but dont be concerned if it is. Every one of us has that top left arrow pointing either right or left, with a coordinating color number. Fat? My Color is 6 and I am Right Fixed which means my design absorbs the most nutrition after the sun goes down or in Indirect Light. This is a place of production. Higher carb diets may work for you. I am here to help heal women so more women can heal the world. These people need to prepare for digestion. Youll want to play with what that means for you. All rights reserved. Energy is everything that we put in our bodies, such as information, people, or anything that feeds our vehicle. one ingredient dishes separated by time Tone Cognition How you connect with the world Note: Our Authority taps into Tone to help us become aware of what is good/bad for us. She immediately found examples in her family for people who got better once they stopped eating fish. Eating when the sun is down works best for these people. They may find they are highly sensitive to light and have energy bursts at night. High sound only eat when the environment is noisy, TV, family, restaurant, or music on the ears. They may find they are highly sensitive to light and have energy bursts at night. These include most types of recessed lighting with downlights and troffers. But this cognition is all about being able to touch something or be touched by something or someone. When I read about these benefits, I wanted them! All of us seem to have our opinions about what is good food, whats bad food, whats right food, whats wrong food. But she can eat her next one-thing ten minutes later, I have to wait at least one hour. And I got beaten to submission: by age nine I was homogenized onto eating like everyone else, and got fat and sick. In my past time, when I working in field, I was comfortable, when I worked in headquarters, I was not so comfortable, most of time I was unhappy. Hi! Those with Nervous may prefer eating when there is some stimulation around them. | Design by TONIC. The test showed that she can eat any grain as long as she doesnt repeat it within a week. Your eating style is determined by the determination of your bodygraph. What are the purest food forms that I should be enjoying? Valleys Narrow or Wide. Do it fast and don't spend too much time at the table. Look, the value of Human Design is that it helps us know what is correct for us individually. PHS might not be correct for you now. Its about discovery and investigation, whole foods, and simple combinations. This is all about perspective. I dont have Pro now and can access the design chart. Founder and Editor for Gentleness Ambassadors. as your digestion, you may find you are super sensitive to the energy levels around you when you are nourishing yourself, whether its calm energy or exciting energy. #6: Light Direct and Indirect. Kitchen Wet or Dry. The SIX sense "superpowers" are: Taste Smell Outer Vision Inner Vision Feeling Touch Keep in mind that just like our digestion type, there is more to these senses than we typically give them credit for. For context, this is never the first piece I recommend that people dive into. Most people in the world eat stews, or meats with side dishes, or salads with a lot of ingredients, but a good 20% of the world, with the most ancient style DNA needs to eat like people ate when they didnt have dishes: one thing at a time. 5th color lines are about the frequencies of your food, and your surroundings. Its also all about texture! Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Specific visual tasks where the spatial quality or the surface structure is of prime importance require lighting that emphasises shapes and forms. It can be in an actual valley or in a space where information is flowing. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. I was fascinated that eating different foods made me feel different. Determinism = Color = Digestion (of both food and information), tends to be where we hold deep conditioning. You may find you love eating with the seasons. First plug the leaks. We're diving into the Human Design Variables - more specifically the Digestion Types (also known as Color (colour for me) and PHS).. Explore once youve been digging into Human Design it & # x27 ; s!. Anything that feeds our vehicle lighter meals during the day and eating their biggest meals at night foods the. But the keyword here is habitual touched by something or someone to something new youll... Meal every day in them Design is that it helps us know what expect... As having the Touch of god higher elevation ( high-rise, second story house ) and spend... With more textures ( crunch and creamy in the most rewarding health session have! About how we take in information via their third-eye ( intuition ) very seasonal when. 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