Introduction: Born in 1909, Glenn Cunningham, when he was just 8 years old, was severely In fact, I think sometimes it is impossible to rejoice in circumstances. I can't believe what they did to me. That was a common name by which the Jews referred to the Gentiles: the gentile dogs. It is still going on. Philippians 3:1. This is a good example, by the way, of the characteristic difference between these two translations. In 48 B.C. But this Christian joy enables a man to accept even them with a smile. There is the present joy of Christ; but this does not content the soul. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe. It is interesting that Paul turns it around and uses it of those teachers that would seek to put the believers back under the law. ", Blessed is this confidence in Christ, and wondrous are His ways! Suddenly upon meeting Christ, all that he counted as important to him up to that point in his life, all of his religious credits, all of the religious background, he said lost for Christ. But Paul didn't stop there did he? It is what enabled him to look at the saints, as he called them to look at one another, esteeming others, as he says, better than themselves. So what do I do? Christ was so truly before his heart, that in fact there was no self left unjudged to warp the choice. b. No; but "because that ye had heard that he had been sick." They shared the conflict of the gospel; they partook of the reproach that covered those who preached it. I love that phrase. He breaks it completely, becomes conqueror for ever, wins the title for God's grace to deliver righteously every creature, save only those who, far from receiving Christ, dare to reject Him because of that very nature which He took on Him, and that infinite work on the cross which had caused Him suffering to the utmost in working all out for the glory of God. The reason why we can all say it tonight is because we are all here. By proceeding, you consent to our cookie usage. Faith is the ordained means of actual interest and saving benefit in all the purchase of his blood. The manner, too, in which these things happened seemed to make all as remote as possible from furthering the gospel; but here again he brings in Christ. Spirit, they said, is altogether good; and matter is altogether evil. The question is at once settled as a matter of faith. Oh, is it not awful to think, that the best proof of the love of Christ and of His glory is the very ground which the base heart of man turns into a reason for denying both His love and His glory? Paul himself did not hope to attain it through his own merit and righteousness, but through the merit and righteousness of Jesus Christ. "For indeed he was sick nigh unto death: but God had mercy on him." There was evidently energy among these Philippians. Such was the apostle's faith. b. Preaching and teaching and studying the side-issues may be attractive, and these have their place, but the fundamental truths can neither be spoken nor heard too often for the safety of our souls. If he left this world, he would be with Christ; if he lived longer in this, world, Christ was with him. Thus easily do we fall into error, because the human mind likes to have either one thing or another, and thus avoid all difficulty in Scripture, having each squared according to our notions. There may be sins within your heart that have long resisted control. Quite suddenly Paul's accent changes to that of warning. They don't want to hear it; they are enemies of that message. I can't get over that. Yet the truth as to this abides, not only at the starting-point, but all the way through. He pressed towards the mark. I can do all things through him who strengtheneth me." But the Rapture is not an event that Christians need to strive to attain. It is not at all a question of ecclesiastical order, in which naturally the chief guides would have front rank. The trouble is not that of seeing its meaning; the trouble is that of finding one English word which covers all it includes. I do not say that the fruits of the loving service of any one of them will be forgotten there; nor that even glory will not bear the impress of that which has been really of the Holy Ghost here. InMatthew 23:1-39; Matthew 23:1-39 we have woe upon woe pronounced upon scribes and Pharisees, and so it is here. And what is the result? He had to divest himself of every human claim of honour that he might accept in complete humility the mercy of God in Jesus Christ. Let us not mistake in this; let us not be driven from it by a too common misuse. There were not very many Pharisees, never more than six thousand, but they were the spiritual athletes of Judaism. WebMatthew Henry's Complete Commentary - Philippians 3:9-14. If you do not want that we track your visit to our site you can disable tracking in your browser here: We also use different external services like Google Webfonts, Google Maps, and external Video providers. Why? Paul said. 12 Not as though I had already attained, either were already This separates from all, and judges the best of man to be dung, as the former conforms the heart after His love. There is a pun in the Greek which is not transferable to English. Hence he thus opens, "Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown." Do with them as you will, they still defy you But if you will hand over the conflict to Jesus, He will subdue them; He will bring them under his strong, subjecting hand. He calls them three things, carefully chosen to throw their claims back upon themselves. Thus the difference between reconciliation and subjection is manifest. It was so as to the Corinthians; nay, it was not wholly wanting for the Galatians, though that which they allowed imperilled the foundations of grace and faith. There is nothing assuredly right, on the other hand, where Christ is not the object of the soul. The Gnostics were heretics who tried to intellectualize Christianity and make a kind of philosophy out of it. But while he was on his way, just before arriving in Damascus about noontime, there came a light from heaven brighter than the noonday sun. Thus the two things are repeated the past judgment and the present power: "and do count them but dung, that I may, win Christ." "Be anxious [or be careful] for nothing; but in everything" this is the resource "in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God." And is there not evidently a path of unobtrusiveness (for the veil or sign of power on the woman's head is no vain figure) which most befits a woman? One of the elements of heavenly happiness will be the calm and settled knowledge of all that we have been here below. When Saul is seeking to take his life, David's demand is: "After whom do you pursue? But how can you attain the resurrection of the dead unless you, first of all, have died? Let all of you who have graduated in the school of Christ have the same attitude of mind to life. In Philippians 3:1-21 it is not the display of intrinsic affection in Christ, or the gracious dispositions of Christ in the saints. Not the passive side of the Christian as being in the world, but the active comes before us. This is lost in the idea of labouring in it. We use cookies to let us know when you visit our websites, how you interact with us, to enrich your user experience, and to customize your relationship with our website. . The great feast of Purim, which was observed every year with such rejoicing, commemorated the deliverance of which the Book of Esther tells, and the central figure of that story was Mordecai, a Benjaminite. Much akin to Pauls straining toward what is ahead; this racers concentration on The scriptures affirm clearly the assurance of salvation; yet: Paul wants to impress upon us the difficulties, struggles, and hindrances that attend the believers life. So, then, Paul claims that from his birth he was a God-fearing, Law-observing Jew; that his lineage was as pure as Jewish lineage could be; and that he belonged to the most aristocratic tribe of the Jews. The Apostle John says, "Everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure" (1 John 3:3). Considering that he had not already attained, and had not apprehended, he pressed forward: "I follow after (Philippians 3:12; Philippians 3:12), dioko--I pursue with vigour, as one following after the game. Codd. ", Finally, he calls them again to rejoice, and now with more emphasis than ever. The very fact, or way of putting it, supposes Him to be a divine person. He had no theory that first love must necessarily wane and cool down, but the very reverse. As he who runs a race never takes up short of the end, but is still making forwards as fast as he can, so those who have heaven in their eye must still be pressing forward to it in holy desires and hopes, and constant endeavours and preparations. It is not the physical experience that saves, it is the spiritual: the death to the old nature and the old man in my heart, the reckoning of myself to be dead, and living that new life in the resurrected Lord. Hence I am inclined to retain . And observe, too, that the apostle felt the value of others' prayers. So this is Paul's answer to the Jewish teachers. However elsewhere in his writings he was very confident that God would resurrect him and all believers (e.g., Romans 8:11; Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 6:14; 1 Corinthians 15:12-57; 2 Corinthians 4:14; 2 Corinthians 5:1-5; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 2 Timothy 2:18). See for instance Philippians 3:1-21. He gave him time to repent; and not only so, but a heart to repent." Instead of this a song of joy and thanks comes from the blessed man of God at Rome; for, as he says here, "Some indeed preach Christ even of envy and strife; and some also of good will. #1 I press on. He said he was blameless. The more one enjoys Christ here, the more one wants to be with Him there. Because so many times, they say, "Well, you really can't do that. But while a man is quite unfit to do a woman's work, can it be doubted that a woman brings no honour to herself, or to the Lord, by attempting to do a man's task? Check out our other commentaries: Genesis 19:8-10 meaning (3:11 22) Maps and Charts. Close. The doctrine of the resurrection was, in his view, that which distinguished the true religion, and which made it of such inestimable value Acts 26:6-7; Acts 23:6; 1 Corinthians 15:0; and he sought to participate in the full honor and glory of such a resurrection. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. Paul suffered much for the cross of Christ at the hands of And one day when I am sitting, looking up in Jesus' face, just overwhelmed by His glory and love, I will turn to the fellow next to me, and I will say, "I finally have apprehended that for which I was apprehended. I have not yet accomplished that purpose. WebJamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary 14. high callingliterally, "the calling that is above" (Ga 4:26; Col 3:1): "the heavenly calling" (Heb 3:1). "For I have no man like-minded, who will naturally care for your state." Long before them, Mill had given his judgment in favour of the more ancient reading; and Wetstein repeated it apparently with approval. All human achievement had to be laid aside, in order that he might accept the free grace of Christ. It is not Paul's aim to know about Christ, but personally to know him. To support this statement, Paul refers to his own experience. WebFor we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit ( Philippians 3:3 ), Paul was constantly emphasizing that the physical rites had no value except there be a Observe, Those who think they have grace enough give proof that they have little enough, or rather that they have none at all; because, wherever there is true grace, there is a desire of more grace, and a pressing towards the perfection of grace. As it was a true though distressing part for Christ to judge religious evil, something akin could not be absent here; but at the same time it was by no means a prominent characteristic of Christ's task here below far from it. How heartily the Germans sing of the dear old fatherland; but they cannot, with all their Germanic patriotism, they cannot beat the genial glow of the Britons heart, when he thinks of his fatherland too. In Php_3:15 he again uses teleios ( G5046) and says that this must be the attitude of those who are teleios ( G5046) . Strange way of God! We now heard what the apostle renounced; let us now see what he laid hold on, and resolved to cleave to, namely, Christ and heaven. WebBible Commentaries Albert Barnes' Bible Commentary Philippians 3 11 Albert Barnes' Bible Commentary Philippians 3:11 If by any means - Implying, that he meant to make use of the most strenuous exertions to obtain the object. But so it is; and thus the food of faith becomes the poison of unbelief. but I follow after [I am pursuing], if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus ( Philippians 3:12 ). The apostle had his heart upon Christ as his righteousness. When that event takes place God will snatch Christians out from among the spiritually dead (unbelievers). Let us see to it that we walk according to the place which God has given us. It just doesn't work. So he brings before them another remarkable feature of it their fellowship; and this fellowship too with the gospel. It is a blessed and refreshing picture even in thought. It describes the man who is going flat out for the finish. It is the imbuing of the Christian with that which is life everlasting, but the life that he is now living by "the faith of the Son of God, who loved him and gave himself for him." . Because you can drive a Cadillac, and you can live on Lido Island. So when Paul uses the word in Php_3:12 , he is saying that he is not by any means a complete Christian but is for ever pressing on. Paul felt that when Christ stopped him on the Damascus Road, he had a vision and a purpose for Paul; and Paul felt that all his life he was bound to press on, lest he fail Jesus and frustrate his dream. I want to know Him, I want to know the power of the resurrection, but yet, I want to know the fellowship of the sufferings and the cross. Because he lives, we shall live also; his victory is our victory. They were looking for the eternal kingdom of God. WebContext Summary Philippians 3:111 warns Christians about the influence of false teachers, particularly those who add legalism on top of the gospel. Not so. *There is no reasonable doubt that the received text is wrong, followed by the Authorised Version ("of," instead of "from" the dead). And so, it is an established righteousness. ", He loves, we see, to couple with the relationship to himself what was related to them. I would like to know Him in the power of His resurrection. He too in love still keeps up the servant-character, and gives them as it were the Christ-character. The Message Update. Hence he says, "Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect; but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus. It can be a very dangerous thing.On the other hand, I can recognize that I have a problem with sin, with myself, with my flesh. Hence he says, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." He has not attained this "perfection" as is evident from verses 12-16. To know Christ means that we share the way he walked; we share the Cross he bore; we share the death he died; and finally we share the life he lives for evermore. Already knowing Jesus as his Savior, he now desires to know By all means let them be made known unto God. They are enemies to the cross of Christ, not to Christ Himself, but to that aspect of suffering with Him,". For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. There is not one of these things but may in itself become the veriest snare; and so much the more dangerous because each looks fair. Hence it is that, although doctrine is sparse, if not almost excluded, nevertheless what little appears comes in as ancillary to the main purpose. What a word, and how calculated to make us ashamed! Press On! Need it be said that it has not the less its own proper office on that account? Here we see One who is in glory, and on whom the eye of the believer is set; and accordingly the judgment of evil is from the side of heaven. This is our conformity to his death. "Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladness; and hold such in reputation" (he would turn it again to practical profit as to others): "because for the work of Christ he was nigh unto death, not regarding his life, to supply your lack of service toward me.". Let this be your mind, let's walk by these rules. Hence he at once begins, not with a doctrinal preparation after the introduction, but the introduction brings us as usual into the general spirit if not special object of the epistle. But as the model was turning around, her eye caught the ticket with the price tag $4,295.00. There are two chief stages of His humiliation flowing out of His perfect love. That is a wonderful thought. In Him, we, know, who was the perfect model in the same warfare, which He fought single-handed, conquering for God's glory and for us, the prince of this world came, and had nothing in Him, absolutely nothing. This filled Paul with sunshine; and he would have others to enjoy the same bright light which the name of Christ cast on every object. We have only begun to see the work of God; we have only begun to see the glory of God poured out. I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead: Paul has discussed in these verses the concepts of justification and sanctification, and now he speaks of the believers glorification. Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord ( Philippians 3:1 ). Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. If by any means I, might attain unto the resurrection of. But it is better for you to lose your character, than for Christ through you to lose His; for you are responsible to display the character of Christ. You see, there would be no security in that kind of righteousness at all. WebBible Commentaries; Philippians 3:1-11; Philippians 3:1-11. The only boast of the Christian is not in what he has done for himself but in what Christ has done for him. "Filled," says he, "with the fruit of righteousness, which is by Jesus Christ;" for it is all supposed to be fruit, not isolated fruits here and there, but as a whole, which adds greatly to the strength of it. all that God is for you in Christ explodes with faith, and joy, and love. Observe, A Christian's calling is a high calling: it is from heaven, as its original; and it is to heaven in its tendency. He was resurrected in a new body, patterned after the old yet equipped and fitted for heaven. WebExodus 3:13-14 meaning. For whom I have suffered the loss of all things ( Philippians 3:8 ). For he longed after you all, and was full of heaviness." [Paul] also speaks positively in verses 1214 of what he is doing in light of the incompleteness of his spiritual journey. These Philippians will not be less saints in heaven, where there can be no such charges as "bishops or deacons." It had always been so, as the apostle gives us to learn. "Finally," says he, "my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. Is He really so far from any of those that call upon Him? He stresses the fact that he had been born into the Jewish faith and had known its privileges and observed its ceremonies since his birth. (i) He had been circumcised when he was eight days old. Once you are right about Christ, you are right about everything while He is before you. The cross was essential and necessary for Him to experience the power of the resurrection. Philippians 3:1114: Can I Really Have Assurance? Be of good cheer. This is wholly distinct from His own intrinsic eternal glory. He speaks as if they were in danger of missing it, and coming short of it. Are we living out that life which we have? i. Savior was a title given to the Caesars. In this chapter the apostle cautions the Philippians against false teachers, whom he describes as evil men, and exhorts them to walk as they had him, and other faithful ministers for an example. And so they go back to the past, and they pick up the failures of the past, and they are discouraged to try anything in the future. "Let your requests," whatever they may be, "be made known unto God;" and not only so, but "with thanksgiving." When I have been upset (because that is against my rules, never be upset) and so I am upset, I have to lie to myself and say, "I really wasn't upset, I was just indignant." For Paul the Resurrection was not simply a past event in history, however amazing. Yet these were evidently physical experiences, not spiritual realities. We now heard what the apostle renounced; let us now see what he laid hold on, and resolved to cleave to, namely, Christ and heaven. It was not merely their calling in Christ, their being Christians, that was before him, but a walk as it became the gospel of Christ. The point is this. He had experienced it at its highest point; and he knew that it was nothing compared with the joy which Christ had given. It is called the resurrection of the just, and the resurrection of life (John 5:29), and they are counted worthy to obtain that world and the resurrection from the dead,Luke 20:35. He says, "All my life I have been trying to get into a right relationship with God. He had papers from the high priest that empowered him to throw in prison those who believed in Jesus Christ. Give me the power," and we are so power-hungry. There were in the Church at Philippi men whose conduct was an open scandal and who, by their lives, showed themselves to be the enemies of the Cross of Christ. Select a Passage. ", And what is it that gave such a hope to one that owns himself the chief of sinners and less than the least of all saints? WebPart of the perceived problem here is the assumption that Paul told only one version of Christs story. He met Christ on the Damascus road. She couldn't buy a dress, but she really didn't have much money to buy very good material. The old life, you know, I accounted loss. It would be mere independence of Christ if he could have stood without a single flaw, as blameless, in fact, as in a certain sense outwardly he was under the law, until the Spirit of God gave him to see what he was in God's mind. We have not yet attained, are not already perfect; there is still much wanting in all our duties, and graces, and comforts. Jesus roamed the earth as an outcast, didn't seek to possess any things of the earth. Such a Jew would speak the language of the country in which he lived but also the Hebrew which was his ancestral language. Spirit, they said, is altogether evil same philippians 3:11 14 commentary of mind to...., he loves, we shall live also ; his victory is our victory accept. 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