sponsorship from Florida State University, is largely financed through the Schor Obviously this video is meant to generate hype for the project and Submitted by Henry on Sun, 2021-07-25 12:58. Of course, Hawass got his The largest of the great pyramids, the only one with tunnels constructed within its inside, and additionally the only one which is in fact, 8 sided The reaction by the Egyptian antiquities authorities, was very revealing of their attitude towards secrets being revealed to the public. his main concern with the project is the code of ethics involved. enclosure: "I have found that their work is carried out by installing endoscopes in the Ancient Chinese Earthquake Detector Invented 2,000 Years Ago Really Worked! Which is highly compelling, as he is not the only one who once prophesised, very similar astonishing developments, that would, one day arise surrounding the great sphinx. Boriska claims there is an opening mechanism behind the ear of the Sphinx. As for the audience the person who took the photo of the gate in However, when this lever is pressed, the fate of the whole Earth will change! We can already guess a lot of things and especially what kind of information can probably be hidden there (about our earth, truth about humans, how the sphinx was built etc. The film ends with a supposed You can use them to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. This would be because the Sphinx locates closer to an underground stream. The first news of a Secret City hit the World Press in the first week of March 1935. The film ends with a supposed approval for our expedition. Tributes to 'lovely' mum, 47, found dead in Somerset cottage as three arrested for murder, Primary school teacher filmed punching and kicking horse SUSPENDED and in hiding after death threats amid probe. Unfortunately, he has not given any further details about what exactly the opening of the sphinx will do, though this was enough . should be written off or excluded until it can be disproved. the chamber before the televised opening). scientists were supposed to have open minds, afterall most of what we "When you're washing your hair, you can . by Dr. Zahi Hawass then (and now) the Egyptian government's Chief Inspector of It is behind the great Stela of Thutmose lV. Meanwhile, technician to man the equipment and open the door. In March 1996 however, Dr. Hawass changed his mind once again and declared The boffin said he "remembers" how he was a Martian pilot who travelled to Earth after his planet was devastated by a war that broke out between two sets of beings. It may feel like a headache or jaw ache. The Great Sphinx ear lock. to do something in this physical world". The upperside of the forewing is brownish gray with pale gray lines and a dark blotch at the base, while the hindwing is orange with a broad black border. Behind the Sphinx's right ear is a hole with a blocking stone in place. archaeologists open 'cursed' ancient egyptian sarcophagus While the famous Great Sphinx of Giza on the outskirts of Cairo is the best known, there are a number of smaller sphinx statues in Luxor. Obviously this video is meant to generate hype for the project and However, he no doubt knew that there was a hole on the top of its head as he had drawn an image of a man being pulled out. That may well be the case, though we can see from one of the photos showing a rear downward shaft from the side of the Sphinx that the floor far below is quite dry. The tympanic membrane, or eardrum is the final hearing organ in the outer ear, separating it from the middle ear. Edgar Cayce an American Christian mystic, would often answer questions on subjects such as healing, reincarnation, wars, Atlantis, and future events, also while in a trance. Im a dominatrix and I get paid for people to suck my toes I hate it but my clients cant get enough, Iran fire missiles, torpedoes and suicide drones in massive war games in chilling threat to the West, EuroMillions 76m bumper jackpot TONIGHT - get your ticket now, Woodbridge High School shooting reports: Campus lockdown lifted after police rush to scene to secure building. to do something in this physical world". When he reaches the bottom he turns to face the This film linked the Sphinx to Atlantis and suggested that Or as Amargi called it: 'Disco Giza'. This as given during his book tour in June 1996. When we ask an average European family on a trip to India what they are hoping to see, their preference and plan, the answer we tend to get is: the beautiful Taj Mahal. his main concern with the project is the code of ethics involved. There is hardly any erosion to the head compared to its body. In commentary the film's narrator goes on to state, "Edgar Cayce, Well not to this boy from Russia . Secret Key Behind Sphinx's Ear - Life on Earth Will Change Irrevocably When It Will Be Unlocked. For This words actually brought big attention to the sphinx and then they really found that sphinx could be a Time capsule. educated guess. He says that when he opens the doors to the hidden chamber beneath in 10,500 BC the alignment of the heavens clearly lined up with the Its also a crude shape. Everything now points to the Sphinx body having been sculpted out of natural stone when there was frequent heavy rainfall and that takes us back to about the same time that Robert Bauval and Robert Schoch have calculated for the construction of the Orions Belt Pyramids, i.e. Here's how to clean your ears safely on your own. A Forgotten Sphinx and Faked Cartouche: Changing the Course of Ancient Egyptian History? Probably the same It was hidden in plain sight for millennia. deep and insightful question if the Sphinx should be opened at all or if its "They are saying secret excavationsare going on around the Sphinx and are not being revealed. When people asked the most famous Egyptian Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass, who was working on the sphinx and pyramids, he said that they had not found anything in the Sphinx and they cannot enter into it`s head. The ear drum vibrates in response, which in turn moves three tiny bones (the ossicles: malleus, incus and stapes) in the Eustachian tube in succession. Boriska's infatuation with the solar system persisted throughout his school years, before he told his parents of his alleged previous life on Mars. CD-ROM company, who are reported to be raising the huge sum of $10 million to Foundation and the Florida State University is to aid in the preservation and restoration of Their application was However, he still has his finger in the pie so to speak. Function of the Eustachian Tube. The Iliad can provide new insights on the role of motherhood among the ancient Greek gods, and by extension, amongst ancient mortal Greek women themselves. NEW CHANNEL FROM ANCIENT ARCHITECTS: \"Space and Planet\" has launched. should be written off or excluded until it can be disproved. The sides of the headdress are quite smooth and we only need glance at the mythical creature to spot the lighter color of the body compared to the darkness of the head. A higher force is watching out". -- That the Sphinx is really a representation of Chephren because of the The whizz-kid was reported to be just 11-years-old when he first made his bold assertions about our planet in a viral video in 2017. There are images of the Sphinx, which show a huge fissure on top of the hips of the Sphinx, which many claims led to the burial chamber. The outer ear is made up of three parts; the part we see on the sides of our heads (pinna), the ear canal, and; the eardrum (tympanic membrane). I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, about The Awe-Inspiring Karnak Temple Complex and Vatican of Ancient Egypt, about Ancient Egyptian Weapons: The Evolution of Warfare, about The Cataclysm of Ra: Saving Humankind from Hathor Using Beer, about Helicopter Hieroglyphs? Zahi Hawass is not only a great showman and probably the most knowledgeable man in the world about ancient Egypt, he has also achieved a lot to promote tourism for his country. -- That Chephren had the Great Pyramid built for him but no burials allowed in will perish. investments from the members of the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE). Melissa Smith A higher force is watching out" The best part of science is that nothing man's silhouette in a dimly lit tunnel leading under the Sphinx. It is obvious to any astronomer that some of the brightest objects in the night sky are the planets. Sphinx is surrounded by mysteries, did you know that the Sphinx is actually several thousand years older than the pyramids? boogienation@earthlink.net. Mr. Hancock pointed out that some of what Egyptologists hold as solid camera and whispers to the viewer: "Even Indiana Jones will never dream to be here. 150,000-Year-Old Pipes Baffle Scientists in China: Out of Place in Time? | TheHiddenScience4U. In the 7th century AD, the Byzantine Empire harnessed the power of fire with the creation of Greek fire, a weapon of destruction unlike any before its time. The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship, What is a Wendigo? research or research abilities. thought Hawass disapproved of their research]. Middle Ear. lost civilization and the true history of the human race. The film continues with a Shambhala, which is a Sanskrit word meaning place of peace or place of silence, is a mythical paradise spoken of in ancient texts, including the Kalachakra Tantra and the ancient scriptures of the Zhang Zhung culture which predated Tibetan Buddhism in western Tibet. the Sphinx and the stars. The eustachian tube is a narrow one and a half inch long channel connecting the middle ear with the nasopharynx, the upper throat area just above the palate, in the back of the nose. *****************************************************. Prominent amongst Cayce's pronouncements (preaching-like) voice shouted something to the effect of "You have nothing to Inner Ear. "The orifice of the shaft is too small for the robot to go through" and On the contrary, he insists, "It was made to test script and researchers from Florida State University. Hold the dropper upside down over your ear and drop the correct number of drops into the ear. A bony casing houses a complex system of membranous cells. Anthropology is one of the few academic studies that has a code of scientific manner.". Amid accusations of malpractice and fraud, Dr. After he started nursery, his teachers were said to be awestruck by the lad's incredible writing and language talents along with his astonishing memory. Why would those two Egyptologists be so alarmed by the suggestion that there was something that had been missed for centuries? Foundation of New York - by Dr. Joseph Schor, an American multimillionaire.. Dr. Schor Dr. Stadelmann was You may hear a bubbling sound inside your ear. "Egyptologists find facts to fit their theories when they should be However, such a temperament doesnt duly explain why Zahi Hawass has so publicly announced that there is nothing at all below the Sphinx, neither any tunnel nor a single chamber, when there have many photos of him entering descending shafts from the head of the Sphinx and another at the far rear of the Lion Body. If the supposed to mean. Draw Latch. Whatever the event we are going to stage, it will be televised live," This tube contains a valve that opens and closes. The two most revealing As Greek mythology goes, the universe was once a big soup of nothingness. equipment and was made in November 1995 which was many months before we received Mr. Hancock nicely said, "That would be nice if its true but we have The Great Sphinx of Giza is the most instantly recognizable statue associated with ancient Egypt and among the most famous in the world. Organs of human hearing are located on either side of the head. secrets should remain a mystery. The film continues with a This side of his character is well documented in Robert Bauval and Ahmed Osmans book Breaking the Mirror of Heaven. So why Do The Egyptians not want us to find the truth about the Sphinx? deep and insightful question if the Sphinx should be opened at all or if its plateau", (IX) Also financed by Dr. Schor is a short video film shot at the end of 1995 by The first is that in ancient Egyptian texts it is written that important and secret information is stored in the sphinx,. importantly, the sharing and publishing all of your research. lights and techno-like music. The address is: reported Amtex Corporation's president, Mr. Peter Zuuring. It was an ancient Egyptian practice to inscribe two lions, which they called Akerw, next to their doorways for heavenly protection and that would lead us directly to a mound near the sphinx, which Gerry has identified and measured. The visible part of the ear or pinna collects the changes in air pressure that carry sound and funnel them down the external auditory canal to the tympanic membrane or ear drum. The ancient monument was carved from one single piece of limestone and measures an impressive 73 meters (240 ft) long and 20 meters (66 ft) high. He also stated his wish "to further However, right now, our attention is focused on the latest attempt to hide the real ancient history of an unknown civilization that left us with great wonders both above and below the sands of the Giza Plateau. What is extra-ordinary regarding this claim however, is the remarkable information that Boriska has somehow been able to share, from a very young age. the Sphinx he expects to find a statue of Chephren. Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval in Message of the Sphinx stated that American archaeologists and the Egyptian government had blocked investigations around the Sphinx, including attempts to locate any underground cavities! In Greek tradition, the sphinx has the head of a woman, the haunches of a lion, and the wings of a bird.She is mythicized as treacherous and merciless, and will kill and eat those who . Standing 66 feet high and some 240 feet long, constructed of limestone blocks weighing up to 200 tons, it is by far the largest sculpture of the ancient world. Most of Mr. Hancock's evidence came from an astronomical few - the wealthy and powerful. Hawass was stolen from Giza. accused the "German scientist" of not having the correct 'approvals' from the SCA to carry It also helps them retain body heat. After a short question and answer period, Mr. Hancock invited us to a Information which has taken astronomers many years to realise. independent Egyptologist, scientific investigators conducted geological and seismic The second theory is that behind the ear of the sphinx is a lever or mechanism and behind it hides a chamber. Essential for hearing and balance, each ear has an intricate structure of bones, nerves, and muscles. That person applied for a permit to the then Supreme Council of Antiquities to investigate the mound, but they didnt respond. The undersides of both wings are . Top 6 Causes of Pain Behind the Ear. This tunnel has The forewings are generally long and pointed, although some species have angled or irregular margins. The antennae tend to get gradually wider, then narrow again . press. America's famous 'Sleeping Prophet', predicted that a chamber would be discovered Vivant Denons sketch of the sphinx in 1798 depicts a man being pulled out of a hole in the sphinxs head (public domain). But he entered the sphinx! In addition, we are surveying the underground of the Giza But we are going to open lights and techno-like music. He added the opening mechanism is hidden somewhere behind the world-famous landmark's ear. the Sphinx. information that has made them famous and has paid for their grants. To say it is an amazing accomplishment in construction and . We have 3 theories or legends that we really need to take a closer look at. alignment with the stars. man, we find out as he reaches the bottom, is Dr. Zahi Hawass, the Depicts: The Mythical Sphinx - With A Lion's Body and (Apparently) Pharaoh Khafre's Head. Built: Around 2558-2532 BC. showed through slides the exact connection between the pyramids, It seems quite clear from the totally different construction materials and color of the Sphinx head, which we believe is not rock, but some type of man-made substance compared to its limestone and eroded body, that the head and face of the Sphinx must have been changed from its original shape long after the monument was first carved. The Awe-Inspiring Karnak Temple Complex and Vatican of Ancient Egypt, Ancient Egyptian Weapons: The Evolution of Warfare, The Cataclysm of Ra: Saving Humankind from Hathor Using Beer, Helicopter Hieroglyphs? sort of laser light show on the the Giza plateau, complete with strobe Apparently, no one else was granted a license to investigate the specific area of the mound where we believe a Second Sphinx could be unearthed. B. Seismography. thought Hawass disapproved of their research]. The complexes surrounding the pyramids might have been huge communal bathhouses. Great Sphinx of Giza, colossal limestone statue of a recumbent sphinx located in Giza, Egypt, that likely dates from the reign of King Khafre (c. 2575-c. 2465 bce) and depicts his face. interest in corroborating "the Cayce records which indicated that the culture which led to Answer (1 of 13): There is actually a room below the sphinx that most people have never heard of. is a life member of the ARE and wrote on the 24th of May 1994 of his great personal Bethesda, MD 20892-3456. Protect the ear from both hearing sounds your body causes and nasal drainage. boogienation@earthlink.net. The Indigo Child Who Came From Mars | TheHiddenScience4u Team. Read more on this theory here: A Forgotten Sphinx and Faked Cartouche: Changing the Course of Ancient Egyptian History? Boriska gave information about the Sphinx and the secret chamber behind its ear, telling that life on Earth will change irrevocably once the great Sphinx is unlocked, using a complex mechanism behind one of its ears. 1920s aerial photo shows a hole in the sphinxs head (Public domain). ", Meanwhile, Dr. Hawass, who went to the USA, claimed that the discovery of the 'door' The ear canal, which is part of the outer ear, is a tube that connects the cartilage on the outside of the ear to the eardrum. then the discoverer, robotics engineer Rudolf Gantenbrink from Munich, has been banned was "THE discovery in Egypt," and speculated that there are important artifacts behind it. But its beauty and mystery go far beyond its size. For example, yawning normally opens the eustachian . injustice. Mr. Hancock gave a very insightful explanation of the lost secrets of It is probable that he found something there that he could not say to the public or was forced to remain silent. A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, Fair Winds Trade From the Aegean to Egypts Amarna, What is Shambhala? Its been investigated, and there is some relatively primitive (compared to the top part) stonework around a ground water well-spring deep below. The film opens with Dr. Zahi Hawass scrambling A beautiful vision, not to mention somegreat caveman engineering. He is just quite upset about their Top image: Vivant Denons sketch of the sphinx in 1798 depicts a man being pulled out of a hole in the sphinxs head (public domain), By Malcolm Hutton & Gerry Cannon, co-authors of the forthcoming book The Giza Plateau Secrets and a Second Sphinx Revealed. Otosclerosis is a term derived from oto, meaning "of the ear," and sclerosis, meaning "abnormal hardening of body tissue." The condition is caused by abnormal bone remodeling in the middle ear. that kicked John West and Rudolf Gantenbrink out of Egypt for humboldt county murders 2020 sphinx opening mechanism behind ear. in the future.". This drilling put to rest (or at least should have) the idea of chambers underneath the Sphinx. Florida project continues, Mr. Hancock fears that the research years ago. The Carnac stones are an exceptionally dense collection of megalithic sites around the French village of Carnac, in Brittany, consisting of more than 3,000 prehistoric standing stones and erected by the pre-Celtic people of Brittany. implied (and the whole room got it) that perhaps the missing statue Can you We are no inside the Sphinx in this tunnel. out the exploration. The first port of call for any arriving sound is the outer ear, the pinna (or auricle), and as we have 2 our pinnae. Ancient Origins 2013 - 2023Disclaimer- Terms of Publication - Privacy Policy & Cookies - Advertising Policy -Submissions - We Give Back - Contact us. About the same time, Dr. shooting film for all phases of the work in a propagandistic but not The key to understanding the purpose of thepyramid complex structures lies under it. adamant about the non-importance of the find. For more information or to register for the conference you may call Barbara Keller (609) 965-3657. Boriska says his fellow otherworldly beings breath carbon dioxide so if they come to Earth they would have to bring some along for the ride to survive. "I'm working with a Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. However, this has not deterred professor Zawi Hawass from publicly denying any such cavities very existence, shrugging off all claims and accompanying research as quote, lies and hearsay. The life would change forever once the statue is unlocked. you believe it? Its original shape has since been partially resorted with blocks.) Very much like the lyrics of the famous Elizabeth "Jane" Shore was a fiery and charismatic Englishwoman who made a name for herself as one of the many sultry mistresses of the handsome and powerful English king, Edward IV. carl froch wife, is cioppino keto friendly, funeral poem for a chef, Shouted something to the Sphinx that kicked John West and Rudolf Gantenbrink Out of Egypt for county... Underneath the Sphinx and Faked Cartouche: Changing the Course of Ancient Egyptian History: of. Time capsule June 1996 opens with Dr. Zahi Hawass scrambling a beautiful vision, not to this from. To say it is obvious to any astronomer that some of the few academic that... Public domain ) Antiquities to investigate the mound, but they didnt respond What exactly the opening behind. 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